Old Mate Wellbeing

Neurokinetic Therapy, Remedial Massage, Movement Screening, Exercise Prescription.
I dont just treat symptoms, I want to know WHY you have the symptoms.

Qualified Remedial Masssage Therapist + Personal Trainer.

I use functional movement screening and muscle testing to determine where pain is originationg from and why.

I work with motor control (how the brain signals the body to move) to get instant, lasting results.

You can massage and stretch all you like, but unless you find out if the brain is actually firing a muscle, or if the muscle is helping another muscle in your body, you will achieve limited results.

I use muscle testing and massage to correct motor control dysfunction, and assign specific individualised corrective exercises for clients. They can walk away, do their exercises, and put rehabilitation into their own hands.

Why work with Motor Control?
The body learns from failure. The body learns from the inability to sustain activity. The body learns from pain. What does the body learn? The body learns how it can compensate in order to succeed. How it can compensate to sustain an activity over time. How it can compensate to protect pain. The body will recruit ‘new’ movement patterns to facilitate inhibition, dysfunction, pain, or failure. The body has the most amazing ability to compensate. However, over time, these ‘new’ movement patterns are stored deep into motor control (how the nervous system controls movement) and can become a dysfunction of their own.
Therefore, before performing rehabilitative exercises, postural training, exercise etc it is important to rehabilitate motor control, and re-establish functional muscular relationships. It is important to know if your training is achieving what you want to achieve, or if it is driving faulty motor control into the system.
Before releasing tight muscles, or stretching, it is important to know why those muscles are tight. What are they protecting? What are they facilitating? Otherwise releasing them may be contributing to faulty motor control, and further reinforcing dysfunction.

You may have had limited results with other manual therapies, but try working with Motor Control and you will be amazed!

Give me a call, or head to www.oldmatewellbeing.com.au to set up an assessment today :)

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